How Google Ads Benefits Marketers In 2023
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Why You Should Trust Google Ads As A Go-To Marketing Channel

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting Dec 09, 2022

Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

While the transition from the traditional print and TV ads is slow, Google Ads structured based on the pay-per-click model are a sure shot way to qualify as one of the best platforms to grow your brand and business numbers digitally.

What’s the catch? The attention span. Yes, the time taken by a viewer to spot your ad and to scroll down in as little time as you can even imagine is what makes this marketing channel a challenge. That’s why right from your ad copies to selling your USP in the minimum duration possible matters. But the benefits Google Ads can give you are plenty. Let’s dive deeper:


Whenever you run an ad on Google – Shopping, lead generation, search or an ad just to increase traffic, you pay to book a slot on the searches or on different websites. When the users see your ad they start trusting your brand and subconsciously keep your brand name in mind.

2.Increased sales

Google Ads have a feature to update you about the number of people your ad will reach. You can decide the amount you need to spend on ads and accordingly calculate a budget. Once you start your shopping ad with even a low conversion rate (assuming 5%), you are able to close more sales as compared to same amount spent offline depending upon on your product niche.

Increased Sales with Google Ads

3.Customer Intent

A hoarding is seen by all age groups, but not all of them are your desired customers. However, in case of Google Ads you can filter out the interest, demographic, etc according to your target audience. This helps you eliminate costs of unnecessary ads. 
In case of search ads, a user will land on your ad only when they have the intent to know more about it. For eg: A person looking for consultancy services will search for it and you being the seller will be visible.

4.Increased qualified lead generation

With Google Ads, most footfall you get are qualified leads. Instead of wasting time filtering those not relevant or interested in your product or services, you can pull in the most qualified leads with the ads.

Increased Qualified Lead Generation By Google Ads

5.Cheap source

While LinkedIn, hoarding, print or TV ads are expensive, Google Ads are a cheap source of generating business but manages to serve the same purpose of your business, which is to generate leads.

At TransFunnel, we write and run advertisements online to increase brand awareness and generate qualified leads for each level of the sales funnel with relevant strategies and content.

Looking for a partner to run Google Ads? Get in touch


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