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"Case Study Online database for Opera"

Opera database

How we navigated the automation journey of an online database

This global SaaS-based database, headquartered in Denmark, caters to opera artists and enthusiasts. Their website has recorded about 500,000 performances. As many as 100,000 artists are registered with the database, 3,000 organisations are listed here and more than 300 festivals are recorded. They provide subscriptions to artists and researchers and keep the platform open to global audiences for live concerts.

With an aim to automate their sales funnel, TransFunnel devised a strategy to integrate their tech stack and migrate data from the old CRM.

Direct traffic


Organic search




Their needs

  • The client wanted to implement marketing automation to streamline their sales and marketing processes. The inherent challenge was to integrate the entire stack (database, HubSpot, Segment and website).
  • They also wanted to refurbish their growth marketing strategy to move away from the traditional marketing funnels and there was a need to align these funnels in a seamless fashion.
  • The client wished to append their website traffic from 500,000 a month to 1.5 million increased paid subscriptions.

How TransFunnel pitched in

    In 2019, when the client reached out to us, we devised a strategy to integrate their tech stack and migrate the data from their old CRM. Our goal was to automate their entire sales funnel. Another strategy to be deployed for the client was to extend the sales funnel to score the users on the basis of their usage and to automate the marketing communications based on event triggers. The tech stack utilised for this purpose was HubSpot, Chargebee, database, Go-to Market Strategy and Analytics.

    In the first phase of the project, the entire tech stack was integrated with Segment for event data, database for profile creation and websites for capture of new profiles. In the next phase we scheduled the alignment and automation of the sales and marketing teams. This is where the entire marketing communications were integrated and automated based on user journey and event data. The service team inbox was integrated into a single inbox and the queries could be resolved within 70 seconds or less -- through email or chat.


Wanting to digress from the traditional marketing funnels, the client wanted a modern outlook towards their marketing strategies in the form of growth marketing.The client wished to append their website traffic from 500,000 a month to 1.5 million increased paid subscriptions.


The implementation was accomplished within a month. Our efforts fetched the client a direct web traffic of 96,275 while the organic search stood at 55,749 clicks. The referrals were 8,145. The email marketing figures stood at 265 with the drip campaign managing to convert 35% static contacts into qualified leads.There was an enhancement of about 23.26% in the new users as recorded till December 2021. Apart from these figures, the percentage increase in the number of sessions was 33.09%. The bounce rate also went down by 78.32% during this period.

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