How to write a SaaS Blog
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How To Write A Great SaaS Blog - Straight From The Horse's Mouth

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting
Nov 11, 2020

Writing a great SaaS blog often overlaps with writing with persuasive, conversational copies for several other business blogs.

How to Write a Great SaaS Blog (or Any Other Copy) - Straight From The Horse's Mouth

Source: Unsplash

Before you start, let’s give you a heads-up.

Writing a great SaaS blog often overlaps with writing with persuasive, conversational copies for several other business blogs.

However, there are certain nuances, which sets SaaS writing apart.

Do you want to establish yourself as a thought leader? How about getting your prospects on your landing pages? Surely, you want to make your website the El Dorado of lead generation?

The immediate actionable steps for this are:

Understand Who Are NOT Your Target Users

When you want to go for the big win with your writing, the first and foremost factor is your target buyer personas. It is easy to assume that certain decision makers in the industry are by default your targeted personas. However, this may not be always the case.

Here are some of the worst assumptions you can make –

  • Buyer is the user - No, buyers are not necessarily the people who’d be using the product. This is the case especially in enterprise SaaS. A C-suite level professional may end up purchasing the product you’re writing about, but it may be used by someone who works in say, the design or the development teams.
  • Mixing up persona and product interviews - When you opt for product-specific interviews, you may end up losing the big picture. Focus more on persona-centric questions like – why would anyone buy this product? They are not going to be the testers for the product so connect with them on basis of – pain points, results expected, factors that influence their decision, the journey and so on.

Use Customerspeak

Or, use the language your customers speak across your blog(s). For this purpose, read what they are reading. This includes combing various sites, blogs and forums where they are a regular visitor. If you are not sure of this, you can do a bit of experiment and use different tones to speak to your customers. One thing that’s failsafe is to approach your blogs using a conversational tone. With this approach, you can come across as a firm that understands their pain points and it will be easier to guide them through the sales funnel. This is one of the best lead generation tips as well.

Repurpose the Best Content

Have a webinar that had a great turn up? Or a podcast that’s already a hit with your target audience? If you already have similar high-performing content ready with you, consider the job half done. You can always repurpose these into a blog post by adding some new elements and optimizing it for the readers. The benefit of this simple exercise for copywriter and content writer is to drive traffic and stop content decay in its track. Once this step is taken care of, move to the next one, i.e. promote the content.

Again, your target personas will come into play for this. Think of what they are searching, the platforms they are using first and foremost.  Next, share the blog on social media platforms including LinkedIn as it’s the hot hub of all B2B content. Most likely, your target personas are going to be active on this platform. Alternatively, you can also post on other social media platforms viz Facebook and Twitter. Or, get creative and post on Instagram as well.

Pro Tip: Try and also share your post to groups.

Source: Unsplash

Analyse and Test Performance

It’s not just important to write a post, but also to track and analyse its performance. There are several tools that you can use. To begin with, you can use HubSpot, Google Analytics, SEMrush and so on and so forth. Compare the blog metrics over time and see which topics resonate with your readers, which can be improved further and help you add to your lead generation site(s). This continuous practice will also give you better ideas to implement in your future posts.

Optimise the Posts

Optimising the posts is next on our list. By this, we mean – keep a tab on everything that makes the blog a complete package.

This includes optimising the title to suit your target audience’s preference. Similarly, make it a point to try different copy formats. Are they more attracted by short paragraphs or listicles? Do they love videos or need more data points? Likewise, make sure that your posts have compelling CTAs peppered throughout your content.

To Wrap It Up

Creating a successful blog for your SaaS firm needs to begin with a concrete strategy. Define your personas, know what they are looking for and tailor your content based on their needs. This will help you gain traction and get more traffic coming into your website. It will also help you reap long-term benefits and earn credibility from potential customers.

For more copywriter/content writer tips, keep visiting this space.


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