HubSpot Reporting And Its Various Tools | TransFunnel
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Best Practices To Optimise Data In HubSpot Reporting

TransFunnel Consulting
TransFunnel Consulting Jan 09, 2023

What Is HubSpot Reporting And Some Of Its Best Practices? 

You have plenty of data and you spend a hell of a time trying to make sense of it. For most people, reporting is a tool to explain what took place without really knowing its capability to do accurate forecasting. If that’s what you also believe, then think again.

Do you often wonder if there is a way you can measure data in a way that allows you to make better future predictions followed by the necessary tweaks to your strategies? 

For eg: You see that you have got 250 form fills in 5 days and then just 10 in 2 days. You want to know why the number dropped on just these two days as against the rest of the week.  

Industry experts would agree that the most essential part of successful marketing or sales planning is analysis. A review of your website is essential to know how things have worked for your company so far. Reporting data and analytics in a way that helps marketing and business goals to be aligned. HubSpot Reporting Software and HubSpot reporting tools aid the growth of any business.

Tools Used In HubSpot Reporting

HubSpot CRM is known for generating powerful reports with its HubSpot reporting tools. Tools like Sequences in Sales Hub, Social or Traffic Analytics in Marketing Hub, Knowledge Base in Service Hub and Website Pages in CMS Hub all have their reports covering those specific tools.

Some of the widely used HubSpot reports are:

1. In-Tool Reports

Tools like Ads, Social Media, Sequences, Workflows, Knowledge Base have reporting dashboards or analyse tabs available. These tabs provide insights on common metrics associated with these tools such as impressions, open rates, conversions, etc. 

Learn How To Create Mobile-Friendly Websites Using HubSpot Themes

2. Analytics Tools

A powerful set of standard tools that show the analytics on sources of traffic, contacts and customers, lifecycle stage reports and more. These HubSpot reporting tools help you to track the sales or service activity, know which campaigns drive results and track the changes in your recurring revenue.

Some Common Reporting Tools From HubSpot Are:

  • Traffic Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise, CMS Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Sales Analytics (Sales Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Custom Behavioural Events (Marketing Hub Enterprise)
  • Contact Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Campaign Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Sales Content Analytics (Sales Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Form Analytics (Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise, CMS Hub Professional, Enterprise)
  • Revenue Analytics (Sales Hub Enterprise)

Custom Reports: Single Object

Analyse contacts, companies, deals, tickets, custom objects, activities, line items, or feedback submissions.

HubSpot Custom Report

1. Custom Reports Builder

It is an advanced report builder that enables you to analyze objects concerning marketing, sales, and service activities.

Custom Report Builder

2. Funnel Reports

Measure the conversion rates between certain stages in a customer's lifecycle or deal pipeline. If you have an Enterprise subscription, you can also create a custom events funnel.

hubspot funnel report

3. Contact Attribution Report

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions impacted lead generation (Marketing Hub and CMS Hub Enterprise only).

Hubspot Contact Attribution Report

4. Deal Create Attribution Reports

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions impacted deal generation (Marketing Hub Enterprise only).

Hubspot Deal Create Attribution

5. Revenue Attribution Reports

Measure which sources, assets, and interactions had the greatest impact on revenue (Marketing Hub Enterprise only).

Need For Creating A Dashboard

Dashboards help you to understand specific metrics that are essential to track your end goals. They also help you understand your customer database. HubSpot gives you two reporting dashboards — sales & marketing. 

These dashboards extract data from the HubSpot CRM of your clients, including their buyer personas, customer stats, deal stages, etc., all at one glance.

HubSpor Dashboard

Some Of The Benefits Of HubSpot Dashboards:

  • HubSpot can be utilised as a standalone and one single platform for all your sales, marketing and support reporting requirements.
  • It can generate reports with the help of its inherent reporting tools.
  • HubSpot reports offer a user-friendly interface for creating reporting dashboards that are can be customised.
  • It helps you to track, monitor and measure all your sales and marketing performance in a unified dashboard along with your customer’s journey data. 

How to Create a HubSpot Sales And Marketing Reporting Dashboard?

HubSpot allows you to create a reporting dashboard and customise it based on your business purpose. Creating a reporting dashboard is easy.

You can create numerous dashboards with HubSpot CRM and alter them based on your business needs. It is essential for the business to focus on how you can create a dashboard in HubSpot?

Steps For Creating A Dashboard:

  • Log in to HubSpot main page with your credentials.
  • Click “Report” and then “Dashboard”
  • “Create Dashboard” on the same page
  • The Dashboard Library will pop- up on the screen.

You can create about 300 reporting dashboards for different business needs and these dashboards help you to monitor your own marketing efforts and can also track your HubSpot campaigns.


HubSpot Reports gives you insight into your marketing efforts and also helps you in tracking your business path. With HubSpot CRM, you can create a multiplicity of dashboards, which help you identify your KPIs. 

You can also reach out to a HubSpot elite solutions partner like TransFunnel. The experts here will help you leverage HubSpot reporting tools and dashboards.

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